It is really hard, in these times we live in, to talk about hope when we are so invested in fear of the pandemic and economic collapse.
It is almost provocative to invite people to participate in the construction of works of charity when they are afraid and when we are witnessing an increase in generalized poverty.
However, it is not Christian to let ourselves fall into the logic of panic that blinds us and prevents us from seeing the dawn of a new horizon. It is even more destructive to close ourselves in the logic of selfishness.
As Christians, we are called not only to live this difficult time with hope but to support those who lack what is necessary. The pandemic is also an opportunity to understand our fragility and our mutual need for each other.Today, as never before, we can tangibly feel that the personal life of each of us is irreversibly linked to the life of every other human being.
In this context, I warmly thank all the people who in these dark months have chosen to turn on a little light, who have chosen to go against the tide, and have generously offered contributions to support the "Oasi della Pietà" Orphanage and the Hospital " Bambino Gesu’ of Cairo ".
I would like to thank, personally and on behalf of all the members of the "Bambino Gesu’ of Cairo Association NPO", all of you who have supported these initiatives both through donations and through prayer. Each euro given to our Association is a caress of trust, affection and love.
Let us always remember the great teaching of Mother Teresa: "We know well that what we do is but a drop in the ocean. But if this drop were not there, the ocean would be missing... we have to do small things with great love".
With these words of Mother Teresa, I wish you a Holy Christmas full of joy, health and great faith in Jesus who comes for all of us and for each of us.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year 2021!
Don Yoannis GAID