
Speech by Archbishop GAID on the occasion of the First Anniversary of the Association



July 22, 2021

Dear Excellency Omar Obaid Al-Shamsi

UAE Ambassador to Italy

Most Reverend Eminences, Excellencies,



July 22, 2021

Dear Excellency Omar Obaid Al-Shamsi

UAE Ambassador to Italy

Most Reverend Eminences, Excellencies,

Dear Members and Friends

Distinguished Guests and Supporters of our Association,

Faced with the suffering of children and their often unheard and stifled cries, we have decided not to remain silent. And to place the cure for their suffering at the center of our thoughts.

Every girl and boy has the sacred right to have a family, a home and a real opportunity. They have the right to have the opportunity to receive treatment when they fall ill, to receive education, training but above all love and attention, to feel loved and defended.

No child should be alone. No child should ask himself: what did I do to find myself living on the streets? What fault do I have for risking hunger, nudity, disease, crime, sexual exploitation or child labor every day?

It is true, we cannot welcome all needy children everywhere, but it is equally true that we cannot remain passive. The proverb says "he who is silent consents". Silence in the face of injustices is complicity.

In this sense, we took a cue from the concept of "Human Fraternity" - much loved by the Holy Father - which sees us called to support every person, especially the neediest and poorest children, bringing a hug to those who are alone in life and a gesture of concrete help to those who suffer in life. This is why our two initiatives in the New City of Cairo were born: the Orphanage and the Hospital.

A year ago we were here and we had a big (pharaonic) dream; today we are here to say, indeed to demonstrate, that that dream is becoming a reality. Despite the Pandemic and the lockdown, the works never stopped. We have reached 60-65% of the planned jobs managing to support the payment of installments, workers' wages and other expenses, budgeted and not. We did it thanks above all to those People who didn't just praise or encourage but participated concretely and materially, providing us with the essential sap for the development of our projects. 

As you will well understand, words of encouragement are well accepted and appreciated but unfortunately they are not enough to complete these works. All the more reason considering the difficulties that arose with the pandemic, which in any case didn't stop us - around twenty-nine trips, between national and international meetings, to follow up the works, to seek funds and give concrete realization to the project.

And it is precisely on the pandemic that I would like to reflect. It has brought us all to our knees, much or little it has taken something away from each of us, but it has also made us understand that no one saves themselves. And if the pandemic has damaged the well-being of many people and families who until recently led a normal or wealthy life, let's imagine how much further damage it has caused to those who already had little or nothing, such as orphans or children born poor!

For this reason, our Association has turned to everyone to establish alliances, open horizons, ask for help, cultivate friendships, start collaborations. We turned to the world of trade unions - CISL for transport, CISL for doctors; to the world of agriculture (Confagricoltura); to the pharmaceutical and healthcare world; to charitable associations and foundations; to the sports world; to Entrepreneurs, Artists and Mass Media and to every man of good will. Your presence and participation is proof of this.

Now, dear and illustrious Guests,

an image is worth a thousand words, I will limit myself to showing you a video entitled "one year of life" which will tell us about the work carried out during the first year of our Association and you will see that, despite the pandemic, an authentic miracle has been accomplished, clear sign that the Christian and charitable work of men of good will is always tangible.

Screening of the video "one year of life".
I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all the people who have concretely committed themselves to dedicating their time and resources to our Association.

On your behalf I would like to thank:

Mons. Gianni TONI (Vice-President) and the entire community of my parish of Santa Domitilla for the moral and material support they are generously offering to our Association!
Dr. Pierluigi FALONI, the Director of the FR and RP Committee and all the members of the Committee for the excellent work done in recent months and for the organization of this evening together with the very kind members of this Embassy.
I would like to address a heartfelt thanks to Mr. Alberto Zambon (Europubblicità) both for all the advertising and promotional support, and for the panels and the gift package that will be delivered to all of you.
Heartfelt thanks also to His Eminence Card. Domenico CALCAGNO, to Mons. Fabián PEDACCHIO, to His Highness Prince Mariano Hugo of WINDISCH-GRAETZ, to Dr. Stefano ERBANI, to Dr. Giani DOMENICO, to Prof. Alfredo PONTECORVI, to Dr. Alessandro CASSINIS, Dr. Massimiliano RAPONI, Dr. Salvatore APOSTOLICO, Dr. Alvaro MASCIONI, Dr. Daniela CACCIOTTI, Eng. Alfio GENTILI, Simone LONGARINI, Marco MEZZAROMA, Dr. Maurizio CASTELLI, Dr. Elio COLALUCA and all the members of the Association ... it would not have been possible to achieve what you saw in the video without their help!
A dutiful thanks to dear Dr. Mariella Enoc who guides the committee of the Bambino Gesù Hospital in Cairo with prudence, competence and generosity. Today I announce that construction work will begin next month!
Thanks to the Foundation: Gaudium Et Spes: Dr. Oscar, Dr. Rafael
I would like to warmly thank Claudia Conte for having offered her professionalism, possibilities and friendships free of charge for this evening.
In the name of all of you, I thank the talented Annalisa Minetti for having cheered us up with her presence and with her stupendous voice which will conclude this evening.
A heartfelt thanks to all of you dear and illustrious guests for agreeing to share this evening and this dream with us. Your presence honors and encourages us!
At the end:
On behalf of all of you, I would like to thank Ambassador Omar Obaid Al-Shamsi, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Italy, for welcoming us back to his home (which today we feel even more like our home), namely the Diplomatic Seat of the Country that hosted the signing of the Document on Human Fraternity. The country that spreads and defends the culture of tolerance and brotherhood.

Mr. Ambassador, please convey our gratitude to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince and Minister of Defense of Abu Dhabi, and His Highness Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Emirates United Arab.

Dear and illustrious Guests, now allow me to share with you another video entitled: "Not gifts but tiles!".

In English and Italian

I conclude, dear and illustrious Guests, with the words of Pope Francis which resound as the perfect gloss to our meeting:

“You are actors of this world, and not just spectators! I encourage you not to be afraid to face challenges, to safeguard Christian values, especially the defense of life, growth, the dignity of the person, the fight against poverty and all those small struggles we deal with on a daily basis" .

Finally, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you, dear guests, for your participation and together with you I ask the Lord to grant the Holy Father complete healing so that he may continue his mission as a Good Samaritan for our humanity!