


JULY 22, 2021

On July 22, 2021, the celebration of the First Anniversary of the Bambino Gesù of Cairo Association Onlus took place at the diplomatic seat of the


JULY 22, 2021

On July 22, 2021, the celebration of the First Anniversary of the Bambino Gesù of Cairo Association Onlus took place at the diplomatic seat of the United Arab Emirates in the presence of the members and illustrious guests.

The ceremony began with the welcome speech of the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Italy, Omar Obaid Al-Shamsi, who hosted the celebration of the First Aniversary of the Bambino Gesù of Cairo Association Onlus in his diplomatic seat.

The Ambassador expressed his best wishes to the President Monsignor Gaid and to the whole Association for the objectives achieved and to be achieved which, as he recalled, are testimony and fruit of the Document on Human Fraternity, signed by His Holiness Pope Francis and the Grand Imam Ahmaed Al-Taib, on 4 February 2019 in Abu Dhabi. The Ambassador, in recalling how a year ago, again in the diplomatic seat of the United Arab Emirates, the birth of the Association was celebrated. His Excellent expressed the hope that the anniversary of the next anniversary may also celebrate with all the successes of the Association to offer the necessary help to those in need and to who, in particular, inspire their action to the values ​​of coexistence, tolerance, pluralism and peace.

The Prefect Pierluigi Faloni, Director of the Committee for Public Relations and Fundraising of the Association, recalling the activity carried out in this year characterized by a well-known and delicate diplomatic situation and a health, economic and unprecedented financial level. He highlighted how all this has profoundly affected human and social relationships, radically influencing the priorities and interests of the community. This entailed the need to reformulate the actions, the method and the strategies developed for a productive fundraising plan. He thus asked all those present to feel and be part of a plan and a project that goes beyond simply giving. "It is necessary to fly high and throw your heart over the obstacle to understand that even the impossible can become possible".

Subsequently, Monsignor Yoannis Gaid, President of the Association, intervened to underline how "in the face of the suffering of children and their cry, often unheard and stifled, we have decided not to remain silent. We decided to put the cure of their sufferings at the center of our thoughts and actions… A year ago we were here and we had a great dream; today we are here to say, indeed to demonstrate, that that dream is becoming a reality. Despite the pandemic and the lockdown, the works have never stopped. We have reached 65% of the planned works”.


All this was possible "thanks above all to those People who did not limit themselves to praising or encouraging but participated concretely and materially, providing us with the essential lymph for the development of our projects".

Monsignor Gaid in his speech wanted to recall the words of Pope Francis that resonate as a perfect gloss for the meeting: "Let us be actors of this world, and not just spectators! I encourage you all not to be afraid to face challenges, to safeguard Christian values, in particular the defense of life, growth, the dignity of the person, the fight against poverty and all those small struggles with which we have to deal daily". Mgr. Gaid asked everyone to continue praying for the complete healing of the Holy Father to continue His mission as a Good Samaritan for our humanity!

At the end of his speech, Mgr Yoannis presented the initiative "NOT GIFTS BUT TILES!" which consists in donating a tile to the construction of the "Oasi della Pietà" orphanage. All the names of the benefactors will form the mosaic of the logo of the Association, which reproduces the statue of the Pietà by Michelangelo (to join, just enter the website and follow the simple instructions).

The Association received many good wishes including those from the President of the Republic and the Ministers Di Maio and Giorgetti.

The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella expressed his words of appreciation for the worthy initiatives launched by the Association inspired by "the highest moral standards and a deep sense of brotherhood", which constitute "an example of attention to the needs of the most vulnerable" representing “A testimony of concrete and active charity”. The President concludes his message by expressing his wishes for the anniversary and for the achievement of any "further success".

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luigi Di Maio, also wished to express his "heartfelt appreciation" for the "commendable initiatives" launched by the Association "perfectly in line with the priorities of Italy which he identifies in the promotion and protection of rights of minors and people in need, one of the cornerstones of one's action in foreign policy”. In conclusion of the letter, expressing your "personal gratitude for the meritorious works carried out by the Association".

The Minister for Economic Development, Giancarlo Giorgetti, wished to welcome the success of the "Oasi della Pietà" Orphanage and the "Bambino Gesù Women's and Children's Hospital" projects launched by the Association, declaring himself "certain that your opera will bring relief and assistance to many people and children in need in a complex reality ".

The evening was conducted by Claudia Conte and ended with the masterful interpretation of the musical piece “Fratelli” by the singer Annalisa Minetti.